Weekly Seminar
Cancellation of Invariant Sets via Spectral Sequences
Dahisy Valadão de Souza Lima (UFABC São Paulo (Brazil))
Thu, 09 Jan 2025 • 10:15 coffee/tea: EDDy's room 256, bldg 1953 // 10:45-11:45 talk in 008 • Pontdriesch 14, room 008 SeMath (host: Umberto Hryniewicz)


In this talk, we present an algebraic-topological framework designed to elucidate the behavior of diverse dynamical systems. The central idea is to construct a filtered chain complex that captures connections between the system’s invariant sets. The unfolding of the associated spectral sequence reveals a rich algebraic structure, offering insights into the dynamical properties of a one-parameter family of flows. This analysis sheds light on phenomena such as bifurcations resulting from the cancellation of singularities and periodic orbits, as well as the emergence of new periodic orbits. Our approach bridges algebraic topology and dynamical systems, providing a fresh perspective on complex dynamical behaviors.